#1 The top plate (grid connection) is 3" square; the hole is 1 and 7/16" diameter.
#2 The PCB (cathode & filament connections) is 2" square; the hole is 5/16" diameter.
#3 The spacing between the top plate and PCB is 1".
#4 The cathode-filament connection is on the top of the PCB.
#5 The grid plate is mounted 5/8 to 7/8" below the chassis, as layout permits. The hole in
the chassis is 2.25" diameter.
1. The eight holes used for socket construction are on a 1.125" radius (2.5" squares).
2. Grid contact copper ring diameter: ~ 1.75"
3. Cathode-filament contact copper ring diameter: ~ 1.125"
4. Filament contact copper ring diameter: ~ 0.75"
5. Diameter of copper rings may require "tweaking" to adjust for suitably snug fit on
tube contact surface, depending on type of fingerstock used (as close to type shown as